Macita's Polar Express

 Black male/svart hane SE
 b 111222

 Show: BIR-valp
            EXC, 2 ukl CK

 1:a nybörjarkl rallylydnad (inoff)


 Ägare: Nina Pekkala Söderberg, Kiruna

                                                     " Poppe"                             18 month
                                                      "Poppe"               6 month
Macita's Steven the Thunderclump SEU(u)CH Coco loco's Handyman Rocksteady by Night
Coco Loco's Usual Suspect
SEU(u)CH Macita's Pastille Noir SEU(u)CH Mocca Made's Birk
Macita's Bathing Beauty Mailiksen's Gentleman MVAFINCH Strongline's Eternal Flame
FINCH Maliksen's Lumikki
SEU(u)CH Macita's Esther Williams Trendmakers on the Move
SEU(u)CH Macita's Di Lorna